Friday, July 29, 2011

A photo collage

Sadly, we're beginning to pack up our belongings and preparing to leave this little corner of the world. Assembled here is a random collection of photos from the past four weeks.  

Flowers in our courtyard

"Bob" the donkey. 
We can hear him braying from our dinner table.

Sadie sets the table with flowers from the gardens.

The village of Marsanne - just over the hill

More from Marsanne

Jumping for joy in the French Alps

Local Nectarine trees

The village of Mirmande as seen from our road

Right at home at a bike shop in Le Bourg-d'Oisans

Playing soccer at the stadium in Mirmande

Outside the soccer stadium with Mirmande's south wall (rampart) in the background

The pool was the biggest HIT!

One of our favorite Mirmande streets - steep & cobbled

Ping Pong on the Terrace...

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